Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Whitianga-Whenuakite-Whangamata Oct16-19/08

After our rest day in Coromondal Town we decide to chance the weather and head up the big hill, Whangapoua Hill. The climb is very tough, sections pushing the bike up, mine with 50lbs weight. It starts spitting more steadily as we climb and by the time we get to the top, you can't see the views, so we don our rainjackets and carefully coast down.

By the time we level out my feet feel like they are in their own pools (my shoes). We carry on and with the rolling hills dry out a bit riding. Near the top of another climb, we chat with an American couple that have been cycling for 1.5 years and intend to cycle for 3 in total to go round the world and fulfill a dream "Pedalling for Pencils".

Around 4PM we stop at a beach, the sun is shining. At the Info Centre (Whitianga) we chat with Daniel (Brazilian cyclist) we had met at our last motorcamp. As it is spitting again we opt to stay in a cabin $60/night. We meet up with the German family we had met at the Butterfly Garden, as they had problems with their camper van and were delayed.

As it is raining hard the next morning before checkout, we stay put another day, chat with a fellow at the hardware store that was to Calgary in '88 to see Olympics and visit an uncle.

Next day, beautiful & sunny but a bit breezy. We catch the passenger ferry for the little hop across the bay. The Ferry Captain and a passenger help with our bikes as it is a step up and down onto the ferry.

At Hahei Beach we watch a water skiier and carry on to Hot Water Beach. It is lovely white sand, with surfers and an area where you dig a hole in the sand and sit in a thermal pool. After lunch, we walk over to the thermal pools...it appears to be hard work to dig the wet sand and then people are only sitting with their butts in the pools but the water is quite hot.

From Hot Water Beach it is only 8KM but with a cross wind it is not an easy 8km. The motorcamp at Whangamata used to be an old dairy farm that is now converted to the Backpackers kitchen, dining room, bathroom and showers, TV room. Quite a few people staying this weekend. We stay up late watching a comedy "Without a Paddle".

Just after we packed up our tent the next morning it start raining, so we wait it out. Two big climbs today, fortunately not as steep, so I can actually ride up, albeit 4-5KM/hour instead of pushing it.

At a gas station before climbing Oputere Saddle, we have lunch and chat with an Aussie that works there, he tells Peter, all people do here is "fishing & pigging".

It is raining when we get to Whangamata so we sleep inside. While watching the news we chat with an Aussie couple who moved here to live & work.

PS: Wh is prounounced like a "F"

Day 6 cycling - 46KM

Day 7 cycling - 35KM

Day 8 cycling - 54KM

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Miranda-Thames-Coromandel Town Oct12-15/08

We have a cool campspot at Miranda between two hedges.

Before we reach Thames (good size little town) there is a long single lane bridge to cross -cars on each side get a light to go across. We have $5.00 Take away fish & chips in Thames.

It is a 12 km cycle to the DOC campground in the Kauaeranga Valley winding first through suburbs of Thames then winding up on a hilly country road. We have to avoid some herded big horn cattle on the way up. It is 4 km of gravel before finally reaching campsite which we initially have to ourselves. Woods are very thick with bush/trees so no free camping on the North Island.

A bird makes a whirring sound then slams into the side of our tent...raining, raining, raining. We pack up and staff at the Visitor Info Centre kindly gives us some boiling water for coffee to warm up. We have lunch in Thames (Subway) and run errands. As late we only stop outside Thames to stay at motorcamp (Butterfly Garden).

Motorcamps are interesting with little caravans (RV's) and cabins, good kitchen facilities and shower, flush toilets, laundry and TV room.

Meet a lady, Annie (permanent), a couple from UK and German family who are touring New Zealand by caravan for 5 months and then travelling to Australia.

Lovely cycle along coast, see some long neck birds gathered on rocks on beach and a huge tree with big broom like clumps hanging down. Before we reach Coromandel Town we have 3 big climbs, names I can't pronounce (except I am cursing the steepness as I am cycling or pushing my bike up) like Kurita Hill.

Nice motorcamp in Coromandel Town, walking distance to town. We get a BQ Chicken and some frozen vegs to cook for supper. Took photo of pretty little park and mosaic (children's faces painted) on side of public toilet.

The 15th we take as a rest day in the town. Viewed a couple galleries and chatted with locals.

Day 3 cycling - 37KM
Day4 cycling - 17KM
Day 5 cycling - 54KM

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Auckland -cycling Oct7-12/08

It is a 14 hour flight from Vancouver to Auckland. We splurge on a hotel for 3 nights to get over jetlag and get our bikes and gear together. Our hotel near the airport has a Kiwi bird on top. We do a bus trip into Auckland to pickup maps, supplies, exchange funds etc. The info at the airport was helpful. A thanks to the fellas at the Bike Central that switched my pedals at no charge so my toe clips will fit.

Initial impressions of New Zealand, lush green, cows, sheep, rolling hills, no shoulder, beautiful bird sounds and different foliage than Canada. We take the train from Puhinui to Papakura to begin our cycling. Further from Auckland the roads are quiet.

We stay in a couple motorcamps Orere and Miranda (hotsprings)...we enjoy the hotsprings after fighting crosswinds. Te Motu Hill is tough, I am in my lowest gear and still have to get off and push the bike up for a kilometer or so.
Day 1 cycling 54KM
Day 2 cycling 40KM
PS: having difficulty downloading photos