Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Daisybank-Middlemarch Dec 22-24/08

We get an early start before any cyclists pass by. It is a warm sunny day with blue sky and puffy clouds. It is mostly downhill all day.

We stop for lunch in Ranfurly it is an art deco village. The savoury scones are expensive $4NZ but so good!

The hills are fawn shades, lush green and the bald low mountains are dappled with cloud shadows. We camp at Daisybank which is a lovely treed spot with a pit toilet.

The next day we pass through a tunnel by the ? Gorge. There are some rough patches on the trail but the scenery is enjoyable.

At Hyde we sit on the verandah in the shade for lunch, again savoury scones. Along the trail we chat with a Dutch couple who are also heading to Middlemarch. They end up at the same motorcamp.

In Middlemarch we stop at the store for groceries and I send email. The kitchen at the motorcamp is an old railcar, it is cute but small. We watch "Forest Gump".

As it is nearing Christmas and stores will be closed we stay as a rest day Christmas Eve and also Christmas Day as it is cold and wet. I phone Mom and get news from home. Apparently we are missing some cold wintery weather across Canada, so although we are missing a good Christmas dinner we will put up with the lack of snow and warmer temperatures.

We spend the whole day in the lounge reading. Although we don't have turkey and all the fixings, Peter makes a good sidekick and tuna dinner...I must be hungry as it is tasty.

There is a group of people here from Red Deer, Alberta (they have a brother here who owns a restaurant). We watch 2 kiwi movies that night, "Whale Rider" (my favourite) and "The Fastest Indian".

Day 50 cycling 41KM
Day 51 cycling 39KM

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