Thursday, March 26, 2009

Patton Durbur Square Jan12/09

Ming Ma doesn't show up for our language exchange so I head to the square to get some photos (5 minutes 250NPR) and then to Thamel to try to locate the language school that Jess had told me about. It takes a number of misturns to finally locate it, however the door is locked so I leave a note for the teacher, Parbatti.

I watch some children playing Ludo (what we call Parchessie).

As I arranged to join Brad on his tour of Pattan (Durbur Square) I go back to the guesthouse for a snack.

I get Angie to phone Parbatti for me and we arrange a lesson for 10:30AM the next day.

Brad & I leave to get a taxi, after the initial price of 300 we manage to get it for 150 which is what the guidebook suggested.

At Pattan, between the gate and where the temples start we get a bit lost, we make the mistake of veering off instead of walking straight. It is interesting seeing people in their daily life but we don't come across any temples.

We retrace our steps and Brad sees a temple so finally we end up at the right place. It is quieter than Kathmandu Durbur Square, we are not hassled and there is less traffic.

We walk around a bit and take photos and go to a rooftop cafe for lunch.

After I chat with a couple little girls (14yrs). I say something to them that makes them giggle.

We decide to try the walking tour and mange to see some interesting temples including the Golden Temple. On the tour one woman tries very hard to sell me something, she is nice, maybe she needs to sell something today, but I don't feel like shopping after walking around.

We catch a taxi back to the guesthouse. We find out that it is a good idea to have the exact fare as the taxi driver may not have bills to make change.

Jess, Brad & I eat together in the dining room.

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