Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Anju \ Julie the Dog Feb17 /11


I enlist my friend's help to ask my young friend and then the security guard about my friend, Anju that was planning to go to a foreign country to work just around the time that I was leaving Nepal in 2009.

I am concerned that maybe she was trafficked. Initially the guard is forthcoming about Anju, but in a subsequent conversation, he is not helpful. He supposedly is the guard that helped her to go to Lebannon but then he denies that it is him, he claims that it is another security brother.

I don't have her parents phone number or address (village) so I don't know if she has contacted anyone in the past 2 years to say that she is okay.

A friend suggests that we go to the security office to enquire, see if they have her application, so that we can get a phone number for her family. The office hours are limited so I have to arrange to have a Nepali friend go with me to explain what I want.

Julie the Dog

Julie gets hurt. A male dog is being frisky with her (I think that he hurts her inside). I notice one day that she won't come to me when I call her. I mention it to the family although they hadn't noticed.

When someone does get her to move she yelps in pain. They phone a vet and get some medicine for her but she still doesn't seem to be moving around. I ask if she is doing toilet and eating and drinking. They tell me she is.

Earlier in the afternoon, I asked the brother to please get a vet to see her, I would help pay for it.

It is 5 days that she has been hurt that night she is crying in pain outside my window. It is unbearable to hear her crys but it is too late to call a vet. I don't think that the family can hear her from their rooms upstairs. For 3 hours I hear her deep crys of pain...I think about going out with a bucket of water to put her mouth and nose in to end her pain but I don't do it. Eventually her crys get lower and lower, I know that she is dying. She dies around midnight.

I feel really upset that the family didn't get a vet for her, even to put her out of her pain. They are Buddist, so I don't know if that would stop them from putting her to sleep.

In the morning the woman lights a candle for Julie.

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