Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Motueka Kayak Nov17-18

We splurge on a one day kayak trip along the Abel Tasman coastline. After some instruction on getting into the paddle skirt and how to get out of the kayak if it tips over and how to paddle we get a lift to the shore on a tractor.

I wear a paddle jacket as it is breezy.

Our guides are Robyn & Ben (Ben is from BC). Except for Peter & I, the rest of the group is hiking back to the starting point after lunch.

We paddle around a couple islands, we get a quick glimpse of a seal in the water. I feel tired already and am getting blisters on my hands between my thumb and finger. It is challenging to master the paddling technique.

We have a good lunch on the beach, there are a number of groups on the beach and a water taxi pulls up to take the other kayaks back to camp.

The wind picks up so it is a bit choppy, we attempt to stay close to shore, although it is difficult to steer. Robyn ties a line to our kayak at one point to keep us in the right direction.

We paddle into a cave that at night will have glowworms. After hugging the shore, we head across the open water as it is sheltered. I am starting to feel more comfortable with the paddle stroke, thankfully as it is a long paddle still to shore.

My legs are stiff when we reach shore and can finally stand up. After rinsing out our gear we have a snack and then catch our shuttle back to the motorcamp.

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