Sunday, November 16, 2008

Motueka Nov16-19/08

10 AM is an early start, it is overcast but the sun comes out as we get on a bike path that takes us to Richmond (suburb of Nelson). Once out of the city we pass vineyards, olive groves and various produce farms. Although we are on an alternate road it isn't that quiet.

We lunch in the schoolyard at Upper Moutere. After lunch the wind picks up so it becomes a headwind the last 20KM into Mouteka.

It is during our stay in New Zealand (shortly after we arrived) that there is a global downturn in the economy with some countries going into recession and banks failing). Also Barrack Obama is elected the first black president of the United States. An American woman that I chat with is glad of the election results.

In New Zealand there are no pennies or nickels (therefore items are rounded to nearest 10 cents when paid by cash). Most places have older sinks that are narrow and not designed to stick your hands under running water (see photo).

Trundlers are shopping carts. Cows are curious about us, they will stop and stare at us or actually come close to the fence. Cows also will line up and head to the barn to be milked.

Day 29 cycling 58 KM

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