Sunday, November 16, 2008

Pelorus Bridge-Nelson Nov13-15/08

The clouds burn off in the morning and the road winds and turns gradually up then down. At a brief break at a beach some children are playing in a kayak close to shore. The mallards come close looking for snacks.

Past some seaside property we stop for lunch at a school and chat with a couple children who moved 3 years earlier from Ontario.

After lunch there is a bit more climbing before we reach Havelock, it is around 4PM and as I still feel fresh after stopping at the Tourist Info/Hostel we carry on the next 20KM to Pelorus Bridge.

It is mostly downhill, although busier traffic on Highway 3.

After registering at the Domain campground, we are sitting at a picnic table when a "Weeka"? bird hops up close by. I try to get a photo of it, but it moves quickly.

Our campsite is in a grove of odd looking trees, as the black flies are out, supper is quick.

Approximately 9KM from Pelorus Bridge we start the climb of Rai Saddle, we are at the top before I realize it.

At a rest stop (Graham's Point) we have lunch (no picnic table, toilet or trash can) shaded in the trees. The next climb is tough up Whangamoa Saddle, the sun is beating down with little for shade.

Halfway down we stop to give our rims and brakes time to cool off before we continue down to a Dairy (convenience store) to enjoy an icecream cone and popsicles.

15KM to go into Nelson and the last 5 is on bikepath. I am tired and hungry so we agree to do takeaway and stumble on a mediterranean cafe (apparently it is world famous)where we enjoy chicken and lamb kabobs with chickpeas....Delicious!

The showers are excellent and clean at the motorcamp.

We have a rest day in Nelson as Peter needs new brakes. Unfortunately the library is closed early and none of the galleries are open but we enjoy Gelato and Peter has another Kabob.

That night we chat with a young fellow from Czechoslovakia. He did a tramp (hike)"the Traverse Sabine" but when crossing the river fell in, soaked everything and ruined his expensive camera. His travel is cheap as he is returning a rental car to Auckland so it is only $15/day plus gas and the rental company pays the ferry charge for the vehicle. He was in BC for two months and had some interesting experiences.

Day 27 cycling 58KM
Day 28 cycling 61KM

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