Saturday, January 10, 2009

Middlemarch-Moeraki Dec26-27/08

It is a better day to cycle, sunny & warmer. We chat with the woman who stayed at the camp with us over Christmas. She is an older woman cyclist and very independent.

It is rolling hills and only 26km to the turn off for the country road to McRae Flats. We climb for couple kilometers and then stop for lunch. After lunch we carry on and are passed by 6 carloads of young people. They give us the finger and yell at us. Fortunately they do not stop to hassle us.

I catch up to Peter and we agree to ride closer together. The road climbs, drops, then climbs again to McRae Flats (48KM). There are some historic stone buildings here and a hotel but it is closed today.

It is climb out of McRae Flats past a gold mine with a cross/tail wind.

At 58KM we cycle up a dirt road off the highway that ends with forest growth. Peter walks into the woods to find us a place to camp for the night hidden from any Yahoos.
It is a good spot well hidden with a soft bed of needles.

Fortunately there are less earwigs to clear from my paniers then Middlemarch (they hide in the folds of the top of my paniers). There is a bit of climb then a good descent to the road junction at Dunback then another 15KM to Palmerston.

We have a good lunch at a bakery. After stocking up groceries, we take Horse Ranch Road, it rolls a bit then a steep climb 190m over 3km. I have to push my bike up most of the way.

Fortunately it is a good descent, although windy, narrow and turns so I don't let it flat out. Be bypass the gorge as it is only 36km mileage so we continue on to the junction of the highway and then 3km to the turnoff for the motorcamp.

It is windy and a bit cold so the shower feels great! I discover at the motorcamp that I have lost my $5.00 shell necklace that I like...probably back at our rough camp in the woods.

Day 52 cycling 58KM
Day 53 cycling 48KM

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