Friday, October 15, 2010

Good News! /Shopping

I am really excited and happy when my friend,Buddha, tells me that she finally will be getting a contract at the bank after 9 months as an unpaid intern.

Buddha takes me shopping a couple times as I need to buy some suitable clothes. I buy material for one Kourtasurwhal, a kourtee, 2 pants, shoes and also get another Kourtasurwhal made at a tailor shop.

I want to celebrate Buddha's job by buying her something but she only lets me buy her a sweather and sunglasses. I feel selfish buying so much for myself but she tells me that I need clothes so not to feel bad.

On our second shopping trip, her friend, Asma joins us and we visit with her mother in her room. They are a tremendous help as they do some hard bargaining to get me a good price on my clothes.

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