Saturday, November 13, 2010

Flyers for Anuradha Koirala

I feel quite pleased with myself as I type up flyers requesting support (Vote for Anuradha Koirala) to put up in Thamel and Boudha at the guesthouses and coffee shops frequented by westerners.

With my friend's advice and directions I catch a tempo to Ratna Park and then walk up to Thamel. With my limited Nepali I say that I am a volunteer with Maiti Nepal and then hold up my flyer and ask if I can put it on their bulletin board. Every hotel agrees.

One man in a jewelery store calls me over as he is curious what I am doing. I show him the flyer. He agrees to vote and also wants Anuradha to know about young girls in his village (in the Terai) who are still forced to marry young and the talented artists (woman) that create beautiful work but have no way to sell their work. He also offers to translate French for free if she needs French translated. I suggest that he write her a note in Nepali and I will give it to her.

I manage to put up approximately 50 flyers!

I meet my friend for a snack and then she tells me where to go to catch a tempo back to Boudha.

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