Monday, December 6, 2010

2010 CNN Hero - Anuradha Koirala!

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! There is now a utube clip on the Maiti Nepal website, so go to it to view the emotional announcement of her win. It is such exciting news for Nepal and Maiti Nepal that Anuradha has won this. I am told that she received over 200,000 votes out of 2 million votes.

November 30-December 2nd/ 2010 In preparation for when Anuradha returns the students and teachers are busy making flags and decorations to string up across the street, as well as decorating the stage.

Large archways are set up on the street leading to Maiti Nepal, at the entrance to the office and along the street in the community of Pingalstan where Maiti Nepal is located. Streamers are strung across the streets leading to the office. It looks very pretty.

I get a message from my friend in the morning that if I come to her room she can lend me a sari to wear. I wait until I get to the school to put it on as it is cold this morning. A teacher helps me to put it on. The students smile when they see me in the sari and tell me how beautiful I look.

Her plane is due to arrive at 12:30PM. The street is swept and a red carpet is laid on the street from Pingalstan to the Maiti Nepal office. People line the route holding flowers and scarves to give her their blessings.

While waiting for a couple hours we get word that she tried to leave the airport but the crowds were so great that she had to return until they arranged for her safety from the crush of people. Eventually some students come by pulling many suitcases.

Another half hour and Anuradha comes by. She is surrounded by a chain of young men that protect her from the crowds. I call her name as she goes by and she grabs my hand. On the grounds of Maiti Nepal, Anuradha makes her way to the stage.

Everyone cheers and people line up to give her their flowers, scarves and well wishes. While dancers perform a couple dances she is still receiving blessings from people.

Afterwards she gives a brief speech and thanks everyone, including the children that voted for her.

A couple of the women who can't read or write and couldn't use a computer before voted for her. Guests proceed over to the school where a boxed lunch is handed out.


Unknown said...

Both Vivian and I have been reading you blog and we are so happy that you are doing what you love to do. You will always remember these adventures.
Just to let you know - Calgary has elected a new mayor and in doing so established a 1st in Canada. He is Muslim. I also voted for him.. So far he is doing a great job. For starters he was successful in getting rid of the $3 LRT parking, reducing the monthly LRT transit fares for low income Calgarians and increasing money spent on service.
By the way we voted for your hero.

Unknown said...

Sorry Sharon but we posted the above comment before we read this (todays) posting. We voted for her and we are so glad she won. What a celebration and I hope you took pictures'
Ken and Vivian

Unknown said...

Hey Sharon!
Its Megan from OOSC! Glad to read about your adventures, and very happy I finally found your blog! Whats your e-mail address?