Sunday, March 29, 2009

My First Day of School Jan19/09

(Photos taken last day of school)

I have a good breakfast of roti (Nepali bread), potatoes, califlower and coffee. I wear my burgundy/olive outfit.

I feel nervous. I am a bit late by the time I get to school. There are approximately 300 students (girls and boys)all dressed in brown uniforms. They assemble (line up in rows) in the courtyard. I feel that some of the children are eyeing me with curiosity.

After assembly I find out that I will spend the morning with Class 2 and the afternoon with Class 1.

Archana (pronounced Arch a na) is the Class 2 teacher. After taking attendance she asks them about vacation and for a project that they were to complete on holiday.

I introduce myself to them and tell them where I am from.

When Archana asks students to recite there 9 times table, some of them do not know it well and they seem nervous or maybe embarassed to stand up behind her.

Later I get to give them an art project. I try to explain to them that art is fun and that whatever design they make is right-that there are no mistakes.

They each show me their completed work and I express for each one that I like it.

Bouddha takes me to the canteen for lunch and tells me what is on the menu. I am conscious not to eat with my left hand so I don't offend anyone.

Class 1 is younger, livelier and less disciplined. I sit in class during their Nepali lesson with Hashna. The students really seem to like her.

Their class teacher Suryamaya (pronounced Soul ya maya) reviews english with them when capital letters are needed. Last class is library, they read at different levels so I end up reading to a few of the girls.

I look at some of their text books to see what they are learning. I discuss with Flora (the principal) preparing lessons in the library during their Nepali period.

My supper is an hour late.

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