Monday, May 4, 2009

ABC Day 7-10 Deurali to ABC to Ghandruk

I decide to go and turn back if I have any concern. Sunita the guide says that it is safer to go early in the morning. We leave at 7:20AM and it is around 11:30AM by the time we reach MBC and beyond the avalanche zones.

I debated staying at MBC as I feel some pressure in my head however I carry on as I am told that if I develop a problem I can go back to MBC and sleep in the dining room.

It is a slow climb up the snow slopes; as a mist or fog rolls in the big rocks look like a house until you get close enough to distinquish them. Finally we reach base camp after an hour or so climbing.

Verena, Valentina, Marion and I share the last available room.

After a snack, I walk above base camp, past a shrine with prayer flags and plagues...there is a very steep drop on the other side. There are tent groupings past the guesthouse (I assume the true mountainers).

I have a slight headache. As it is cold I get ready for bed early. We sit in the dining room enjoying the heater (as everyone has agreed to pay for it).

The next day we rise early to see the sunrise. After breakfast I start down by myself early as I wish to get past the avalanche slopes...I'm past them by 10:30AM.

At Deurali we have lunch.

On the way down it spits a little. I am really tired, the back of my right calf is quite sore. I would have liked to stop at Devon instead of going the extra hour down to Bamboo however arrangements have already been made for us at Bamboo. We arrive at 5PM.

Verena & I sleep in a storeroom where staff walks through to carry things from the kitchen to the dining hall, leave the door open and reach over my bed to take supplies from the shelves. The hot water to wash with feels so good.

The next day I hike more on my own, listening to the birds as the trail meanders through the trees.

On the way we meet a Hari Krishna dressed all in orange. I thought he was joking when he said "Hari Krishna". Verena stops to have a talk with him.

It is a long long climb up to Chhomrong.

Overlooking the guesthouses at Jhin....we see a rooftop with tables and umbrellas-it looks so civilized. We skip the hot pool as it is a half hour walk downhill and it starts to rain.

The next day we have breakfast outside. I buy a thin bright scarf as I've been admiring how handy Verena's scarf is for shading her from the sun.

It is a very long steep walk down, then through some trees and up again. As it is hot and muggy I put on my wet top. Ghandruk appears to be a good size village...I wonder what the population is? It is very neat with a labrinth of stone buildings and alleyways.

The Hotel Trekkers Inn is very nice-3 levels with pots of flowers, geraniums, etc.
Minutes after sitting down outside it starts to rain, first big drops then it pours and about fortunate to have finished trekking for the day!

When the rain lets up some we take a walk through the village to the museum (interesting) and to a monestary. I feel that I want to see more of this village. The view of the village was more attractive on the way to our guesthouse.

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