Monday, May 4, 2009

Nagacourt Feb23/09

Anya and I take a taxi (1500NPR for a 2 hour drive). It is fun on the way as children are stopping vehicles with either a long pole or a rope to collect 1NPR or sweets (for a celebration that night) as a toll to allow vehicles to pass. Sometimes there are children at almost every corner.

A hotel is recommended at 1100NPR each (including dinner & breakfast)...I think it is a bit expensive but I am comparing it to Kathmandu and hadn't checked the guide book beforehand.

After lunch we take a walk to find a spot for the morning viewpoint. We end up returning to The Fort where we have coffee and we get grudging permission to go to the rooftop in the morning to see the sunrise.

At 6:15AM we walk up to see the sunrise. The peaks are coming visible as the sun rises however it is a bit cloudy so the view isn't spectacular.

After a leisurely breakfast we leave after 9AM to walk up to the Tower with the intention of walking to Bonepa. It is already getting hot in the sun. We opt to take the dirt road down instead of trying to find the trail.

It is interesting to see the villages that we pass through.

At a junction we climb a bit and eventually descend again. It is quite hot in the sun and the dirt is soft and shoes and pant legs are quite dusty.

After resting in the shade at a bus shelter we walk on the main road and flag down a bus but it only takes us 5 metres (20NPR each), then another bus to Bonepa (15NPR), finally we are pointed to the bus to Duklekel.

It is late by the time we arrive so we have a bite to eat, chat with a Belgium woman then catch a bus back to Kathmandu(Radna Park). From Radna Park we catch a minibus (fortunately Anya has done this) as you have to wander up and down the street asking if the bus is for Boudha. We squeeze on with our bulky packs.

We arrive back in time to toast Jeff as he is leaving tomorrow to go home to Japan.

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